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IDF activities at gathering points and briefing from the Commanding Officer of the Southern Command

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In Kunibert und die Welt ist ein Video der IDF vom 31.10.2023 zu sehen. Das Video zeigt IDF activities am gathering point. Im Hintergrund spricht „Commanding Officer of the Southern Command“ in hebräisch zu den Soldaten, Untertitel in englisch werden eingeblendet.

Commanding Officer of of the Southern Command, MG Yaron Finkelman, to IDF soldiers on ground operations in Gaza: “Southern Command forces this is the Commander. We are striking Hamas and the terrorist organizations in the Gaza Strip. We have one goal – victory. No matter how long or how hard the fighting will be, there is no other outcome than victory. We will fight with professionalism and strength, based first and foremost on the IDF values which were instilled in us – Dedication to Mission and the Pursuit of Victory. We will fight in alleys, we will fight in tunnels, we will fight wherever necessary. We will eliminate the abominable enemy before whom we stand. My brothers in arms, the residents of Be’eri, Sderot, Nir Oz, Kfar Aza, and the West Negev Communities and alongside them are all the people of Israel, they are all looking at us now. Like me, they trust you and believe in you, you are the generation of victory. This is the Commander, complete your mission, strike the enemy, over and out.”

IDF Real Time Update 2023-10-31_14:00

englisch (original)

Over the last few hours, combined forces led by IDF ground troops, struck a Hamas terrorist outpost in the northern Gaza Strip. In addition, the forces killed dozens of terrorists, struck anti-tank missile launching cells and anti-tank missile launch and observation posts, and confiscated numerous weapons, including guns and explosive devices.

deutsch (Google-Translator)

In den letzten Stunden griffen vereinte Streitkräfte unter der Führung von IDF-Bodentruppen einen Außenposten der Hamas-Terroristen im nördlichen Gazastreifen an. Darüber hinaus töteten die Streitkräfte Dutzende Terroristen, griffen Abschusszellen für Panzerabwehrraketen sowie Abschuss- und Beobachtungsposten für Panzerabwehrraketen an und beschlagnahmten zahlreiche Waffen, darunter Schusswaffen und Sprengsätze.

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